My Photography Journey

January 30, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Many of my clients ask how long I've been a photographer, how I got started etc... Unlike most photographers, I have not always loved taking pictures. You often hear photographers whose interest in photography started after having a child. While I definitely took out my point and shoot camera (this was pre iphone days) more frequently after my daughter was born in 2006, I still didn't have a desire to learn photography.

Around my daughter's 3rd birthday, I became engulfed in planning my kids' birthday parties. I loved every detail from the cake to the table decorations; party favors and activities.  Every year we had a fancy cake, a custom shirt and a party hat. (Side note: I decided after birthday #10, no more party hats). 

Eventually, I decided I wanted to be able to capture these parties with good pictures. I wanted them to look know with the blurry background!  I figured I just needed a "nice" camera to do this, so in December 2012 my husband bought me a "nice" camera for Christmas.

I'll never forget in the spring of 2013 I took tried to take some pictures outside after messing with the settings and ALL my pictures were completely white. I figured I had broken it and finally decided to take a class. A photographer I went to high school with was offering a Beginners Photography Class and I signed up! I knew nothing about anything and in this class, Kristin made it all make sense.  

(Pictures after 2013 are after Kristin's class)

Many of my clients have expressed wanting to learn more about their nice camera. I often hear, "I have a nice camera, but I don't know how to use it." Your intent doesn't have to be to become a professional photographer or start a business. Mine wasn't! 

I just wanted to take better pictures of my kids' birthday parties! 

Come to find out, I love photography and 13 YEARS after graduating high school, I finally knew what I wanted to be when I grew up! So, in August 2014 I officially started Brittanie Brown Photography.

I finally learned how to get that "blurry background" after taking Kristin's Beginners Photography Class! Hopefully you can see the difference in these images, before and after I learned how to use my camera!

Kristin's online class is open for registration! I would encourage you to check it out! Not only does she talk about camera settings, lighting, gear, etc., but you also get access to a private Facebook group where you can post your images and get help! Kristin is active on this page and can help you figure out ways to make each image better. 

I can't recommend her class enough! It was a game changer for me! You can find more details: 

Who knows, maybe you'll discover something new you are passionate about and good at! 


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